Ryan an outstanding social scientist

Selwyn Ryan - Angele Marcelle
Selwyn Ryan - Angele Marcelle


Professsor Emeritus

SELWYN RYAN will be remembered as one of the most outstanding social scientists that passed through The UWI’s Faculty of Social Sciences. He loved his university work as evidenced by his many research reports and books on our multi-ethnic society.

In fact, the complications arising from the social and political structure of the society continuously attracted his deep interest, so much so that he implemented a number of public opinion polls to help uncover and understand how our various ethnic groups think and feel about one another, especially at election times. He once jokingly told me we need a “new theory to understand the mysteries of Trinidad politics.”

Such public interest ventures inevitably drew him into controversy, an experience he faced with scholarly fortitude. From my regular discussions with him at the faculty, and as a sound academic, he seemed to enjoy the controversies. Local politics intrigued Prof Ryan and this enthusiasm was generously shared with his students.


In addition to his academic qualities, I developed a great regard for his broadmindedness and generosity. He was an inspiration in that regard.

When I joined the Faculty of Social Sciences, I met him and another very outstanding and mature intellectual, Prof John La Guerre. It was a great delight and, for me, a very rewarding experience whenever the three of us met in lively conversation. Those days with Selwyn are what I now call the good ole days.

He has left behind an impressive body of academic work and a large presence which I hope others will follow. I express deep sympathy to his wife, Jan, and family.


"Ryan an outstanding social scientist"

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