Massy Motors promises innovation at Volvo showroom opening

The Volvo XC40 which is expected to come to Massy Motors showrooms soon. -
The Volvo XC40 which is expected to come to Massy Motors showrooms soon. -

MASSY MOTORS is promising innovation and cutting-edge technology with the opening of its new Volvo showroom at Lady Young Road, Morvant on Wednesday.

Jean Pierre Du Coudray, director of ExporTT, said: “Exciting times are ahead. The Volvo pipeline for new models and new innovations with cutting-edge technology, focusing on safety, comfort and reliability, as well as a wide range of hybrid and fully-electric vehicles, are all part of the Volvo evolution in TT.”

Massy motors assistant vice president Jeremy Pagee said Volvo has been the leading car company in the drive for electrification of the automobile industry, and was the first traditional manufacturer to decide to go all electric by 2030.

“Volvo made confronting the climate crisis a top priority, and we at Massy Motors are very proud to be associated with that commitment.

“You are walking through a showroom that showcases cutting-edge electric vehicle technology. By 2019, Volvo had called for all models to be electrified – and some of those models are visible in our showroom today.”


Brand manager Vir Sieunarine said Volvo’s technology is not only cutting edge, but life saving.

“Volvo strives to employ brilliant minds to develop intelligent solutions that not only mitigate the consequences of accidents, but avoids them altogether. Our vehicles’ stability, emergency braking system and visibility support ensures that our customers are out of danger and arrive at their destination safely,” Sieunarine said.

“The choices we make today will define the world we live in tomorrow. With this in mind, Volvo is intent on becoming climate neutral by 2040. So much so, that plans to be fully electric by 2030 are already in motion with the introduction of the hybrid and electric models. For Volvo, sustainability is just as important as safety. This is a brand that is truly people-centred in every way.”

Pagee added that Volvo makes a range of clean energy vehicles from hybrid to fully-electric plug-in vehicles. He also announced that Volvo’s first fully-electric SUV, the XC40, will be shipped to TT soon.

“Volvo has embarked on an ambitious plan to change what they do and how they do it, and Massy is definitely on board for this journey. The legal framework is also being set to encourage electric driving in TT. So, you see, you’re at the heart of a revolution in transport.”


"Massy Motors promises innovation at Volvo showroom opening"

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