Cinemas, restaurants, bars to open for vaccinated patrons only

File photo/ Jeff K Mayers
File photo/ Jeff K Mayers

From October 11, cinemas, restaurants, casinos, fitness centres and bars will be open – but to vaccinated members of the public.

The Prime Minister made the announcement at a press conference at the Diplomatic Centre on Thursday.

“Last fortnight we said we will move toward operating our food-service business places and entertainment places as safe zones. We will provide approval for restaurants, cinemas, bars, theatres, to be utilised by the population – but by the vaccinated population,” Dr Rowley said.

Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister Stuart Young explained that the approvals would be for fully vaccinated people over the age of 12.

He added, “In these safe zones, the owners of the safe zones are required to ensure that the employees operating in these safe zones are fully vaccinated. They will also be required to have proof of vaccination.”


Young explained that people going into the safe zones would be required to have proof of their vaccination ­­– which in the first instance would be their existing vaccination cards.

A new paper or digital system is being worked on.

The protocols will be enforced by the police and public health officers.

Rowley also warned against falsifying vaccination cards, saying the penalties for falsifying them were “huge.” Young said these penalties will be increased.


"Cinemas, restaurants, bars to open for vaccinated patrons only"

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