Pandemic demands better leadership
THE EDITOR: The fact is the covid19 virus is not going anywhere soon. Companies now face the task of getting things done in a safer way.
It is a well-known fact that the virus thrives in conditions that encourage the three Cs: crowded places, close contact settings which encourage close conversations and, confined/enclosed spaces with poor ventilation and little or no fresh air flow
It is therefore logicalthat leaders have taken the opportunity to craft a work from home strategy that meets both employee and employer needs.
Many local organisations, both private and public, have maintained the work from home practise for specific positions including the rotation of workers which allows people to work some days at the office and other days at home.
This is further encouraged by the undisputed fact that productivity has been higher for remote workers and parents are able to provide the required supervision for their children.
It is very encouraging to see that the Ministry of Public Administration is considering implementation of a national work from home policy. However, there are companies like the Housing Development Corporation who have literally taken the go ahead for a full reopening of the construction industry to mean having all of its staff return to work at the office.
This decision was made despite obvious safety risk to staff and the demoralising blow it would cause parents who may have already exhausted their leave and do not have others to come and care for their children.
TT can only grow stronger and win this pandemic war by ensuring that our leaders have a progressive vision and learn from their mistakes. We all want to sing a good song of how sweet TT moved forward together, for the good of all, and did not try to return to the old ways of micro-managing.
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"Pandemic demands better leadership"