Moonilal, Lutchmedial: Is Government considering compulsory covid19 vaccination?

File photo: Oropouche East MP Dr Roodal Moonilal
File photo: Oropouche East MP Dr Roodal Moonilal

OROPOUCHE East MP Dr Roodal Moonilal and Opposition Senator Jayanti Lutchmedial called on the Prime Minister on Friday for clarity on whether the Government is contemplating a mandatory covid19 vaccination policy.

In a television interview hosted by former UNC MP Dr Bhoendradatt Tewarie on Thursday, Dr Rowley said, “As long as the circumstances can be managed with a voluntary programme, then I see the Government allowing a voluntary programme to proceed.

"But if the situation changes and another kind of decision is required, then that is what governments are for.”

In June, Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi said Government has taken no decision about making covid19 vaccination mandatory under the existing public health regulations. On July 10, Labour Minister Stephen McClashie said under the current laws, employers cannot mandate their employees to take any vaccine for covid19 or any other illness

McClashie said the ministry's industrial relations advisory committee was examining this issue and would present a report to him, which will be taken to Cabinet for consideration.

Moonilal said, "In the absence of policy, he (Rowley) is shooting in the dark and hoping to hit a target.

"This is a very serious legal and policy issue. It requires fundamental legal change."

He believed that Government should get up to 20,000 vaccinations daily to achieve herd immunity in the shortest possible time.

"My advice...satisfy those who want the vaccine before thinking about those who don’t want."

Lutchmedial said, "Let them put forward a proper proposal and then we can take a position on it.

"Let’s make sure we have enough supply of vaccines to meet the demand. You can’t make something mandatory if it isn’t available."

Opposition Senator Jayanti Lutchmedial. PHOTO COURTESY OFFICE OF THE PARLIAMENT

She said the government was "too comfortable being on the back foot, and it has cost lives and livelihoods during this pandemic."

However, she said there is precedent in the law for making vaccines mandatory, and individual freedoms must be balanced against the greater good of society.

"Interference with constitutionally protected rights is permissible if it is reasonably justifiable. The response to a problem or issue must be proportionate."

Opposition MPs Dave Tancoo, Barry Padarath and Saddam Hosein declined to give their opinions on the issue, saying the UNC has not caucused on it as yet.

Where is covid19 vaccination compulsory?

To date 15 countries have made covid19 vaccination compulsory on some level.

They are the United States, United Kingdom, the Vatican, Italy, Greece, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Taijkistan, Turkemenistan, Fiji, Poland, Australia and Indonesia.

On July 12, French President Emmanuel Macron announced the introduction of compulsory vaccination for healthcare workers in hospitals and certain other establishments, with the aim of curbing the spread of the delta variant in France.

Australia made covid19 vaccinations mandatory for high-risk aged-care workers and employees in quarantine hotels. On July 7, Turkmenistan's healthcare ministry said covid19 vaccination was mandatory for all residents aged 18 and over.

In the US, San Francisco recently announced it would require all 35,000 city employees to get the jab.


"Moonilal, Lutchmedial: Is Government considering compulsory covid19 vaccination?"

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