Parallel healthcare system down to 51% occupancy

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PRINCIPAL medical officer of health Dr Maryam Abdool-Richards has said the parallel healthcare system is now at 51 per cent occupancy.

But, she warned, despite occupancy levels steadily decreasing, the covid19 cases being admitted have been severe.

She announced this at the Health Ministry's virtual press conference on Wednesday morning.

She said there has been a "very slow decline" in the occupancy rate since June 1.

The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) across both islands is 90 per cent full, the High Dependency Unit (HDU) is at a 59 per cent occupancy and the ward-level occupancy is at 48 per cent.

"At this point in time, half of our ward beds in Trinidad and Tobago are filled.

"In Trinidad, the ward capacity is at 52 per cent, while at Tobago it is 21 per cent."

She added, "The ICU and the HDU occupancies continue to be high, which indicates that we continue to see very ill patients."


"Parallel healthcare system down to 51% occupancy"

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