East, north vaccine rollout continues smoothly

Nurses at the Maloney Health Centre attended to visitors on Friday morning. - Marvin Hamilton
Nurses at the Maloney Health Centre attended to visitors on Friday morning. - Marvin Hamilton

The vaccination rollout continued smoothly at health centres and facilities in north and east Trinidad on Friday.

Regular clinics and prescription refills were also being carried out.

At the St Joseph Enhanced Facility, two dozen people were seen waiting at 8 am to be admitted either for vaccination or clinics.

A staff member taking names at the entrance of the facility said the process was going smoothly.

“When they come up, there are people who are asking to be put on a list, and we also have a database which we take from the clinic listing. Right now because of the Health Ministry guidelines we are targeting 65 years and over and people who are attached to the clinic but so far it's very smooth, we have no issues.”


One elderly man said he wouldn't be taking the covid19 vaccine as when he had taken the flu vaccine, the muscles in his hand had seized up a few days later. An elderly lady said she wouldn't be taking it as she had recently had open-heart surgery.

The process at the La Horquetta Health Centre also went smoothly, according to senior citizen Elizabeth Taitt.

“I came the day before yesterday and they took my name and number, and they called me yesterday to come today. I came and gave them my card, I didn't even wait two minutes and they called my name. The fellow came by the door and filled out my form and by the time I finished filling out the form they called me inside, they took my pressure and I took the vaccine, and they made me sit down for 15 minutes. The nurse asked if anything was wrong and I said no even though my hand is feeling heavy, but I didn't want to feel like I'm complaining for nothing."

Vaccinated patients were given a small package consisting of a bottle of water and a small bottle of hand sanitiser. There was a steady flow of people throughout the morning.

At the Maloney Health Centre, there was a constant flow of people for all services, with health protocols such as temperature screening and sanitisation. Sisters Erma and Verna Diaz said the process was very good, and the staff were efficient and professional.

Operations at the Tacarigua Racquet Centre went smoothly. People’s temperatures were taken as they drove into the centre. People who were leaving said the process went smoothly and quickly. They said they had been contacted as to when to come for their second doses.


"East, north vaccine rollout continues smoothly"

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