Archbishop: Cut back on social media, TV, food for holy week

The Most Rev Jason Gordon, Archbishop at the Our Lady of Perpetual RC Church.
The Most Rev Jason Gordon, Archbishop at the Our Lady of Perpetual RC Church.

RC Archbishop The Most Rev Jason Gordon has urged believers of Christ to keep the week of Easter holy. In doing so, he said people should consider “cutting back” on distractions including television and social media, among other things, and focus on God.

He delivered a sermon at the Our Lady of Perpetual Help RC Church in San Fernando on Sunday (Palm Sunday).

He said it was a time to focus on the “sacred passion” of Jesus Christ whom he described as “an innocent man who has been put to death.

“What we focus on is the way in which the human heart turns to an act of violence (and) to lies, made-up stories to put this man to death…”

He recalled having to deliver the sermon in front of five people last year owing to the covid19 pandemic, which he said was a “terrible and difficult and wonderful time.”


But he said he was grateful worshippers were able to attend this year despite the limited numbers and allotted time.

“But the pandemic is still a crucifixion…and still, women are being killed in our society and that is the Christ being crucified one more time. And still, we have murders like crazy in this country – there, too, is the Christ being splurged and killed one more time…Domestic violence in our homes – there too Christ is being crucified again and again.”

He reminded believers that it was “the beginning of the most holy of all weeks.

“Let’s cut back on social media, cut back on TV…Let’s cut back on all the extras, let’s cut back on all the food, etc and use the time and space in your life and your heart to continue the sacred history that we will live through this week.”


"Archbishop: Cut back on social media, TV, food for holy week"

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