Refining the refinery deal

THE EDITOR: Every so often we, as a people, have demonstrated our penchant for having short memories, either naturally or conveniently.

During the early 70s, Texaco recognised and accepted its problems in effectively and profitably managing the Pointe-a-Pierre refinery and, understanding the psyche of our politically created intellectuals, it commenced mind games which led to the OWTU chant of “Texaco must go.” Oh, such pseudo-patriotism. The same hue and cry was then directed at Shell.

Then the politicians of the day subtly hopped on the bandwagon for their own gains. Local “experts” were generated and appointed overnight, while the multinationals embarked on a programme of poor or lack of effective maintenance.

This until they seemingly capitulated and their refineries were purchased by the intellectually astute Government of TT. All in the name of “patriotism.” Complete with a slew of our overnight experts. And thereafter, with the highly qualified local incompetence, the racketeering and mismanagement commenced, free sheet. All in the name of “patriotism.”

Forward to present time. After the State failed to effectively manage our assets, aided by the same union, with a very dubious technical base and questionable financial backing, a politically inspired entity has surfaced under the name Patriotic.

This after the industry’s experts globally are shelving their investments in the oil refining business. Clearly the OWTU with its limited expertise is aware of something that the global oil experts are not.

Whither goeth our motley band of power-seeking, money-hungry experts? How much longer will taxpayers have to pay for the well-being of a privileged few?


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"Refining the refinery deal"

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