The absence of civility

THE EDITOR: In the midst of all the season's greetings and the charitable gestures of donating hampers and electronic devices to those in need, etc, which is very commendable of course, there is a growing disease of uncivil behaviour in this country that is being ignored.

Namely, the disrespectful, annoying and unlawful playing of loud music by everyone and their brothers.

Let's be real, the Constitution guarantees every citizen the right to enjoyment of property. This right is supposed to be upheld by our security forces and our leaders. Why is this not happening? And why is it that our many commentators and so-called "champions of the people" not addressing this issue?

This problem has been allowed to fester for so long that now the noise is not only from bars, rum shops and vehicles, but also tyre shops, car washes, fruit stalls, variety stores – and the list goes on and on.

The annual issue of the fireworks nuisance is also a consequence of this failure by our leaders to protect the rights of law-abiding citizens and the total disregard by people for their neighbours.

What is even worse is that our leaders love to pretend that they give a damn, as was evident recently with the usual fireworks warnings which amount to nothing as usual.

I examined the laws a couple years ago and realised that the police have been lying to citizens for years, saying that because bars have a dancehall licence they can only warn them and all sorts of other nonsense about "well you know that they are running a business" and, as recently said by a senior officer in Tobago, "they lower the volume when they see us coming." Utter rubbish.

Covid19 has clearly revealed to all who didn't know that bars and rum shops are not essential services. So can anyone tell me why non-essential businesses are being allowed to disturb me in my home?

There is a law called "Creating a public nuisance" and I have no doubt that if this was being enforced, citizens all over this country would not be experiencing stress, headaches, disorientation, rises in blood pressure levels, anxiety, ill temper, loss of appetite, etc. And just to be clear, this is what normal healthy people experience. It is even worse for the elderly and infirmed.

Can anyone explain how could I have written about this issue two years ago to the Attorney General, the Minister of Health, the former police commissioner, the head of the EMA and not even got an acknowledgement?

Is the Health Minister not concerned that within the decade there is going to be an avalanche of hearing issues that could burden Dretchi? Is the Education Minister not concerned about loss of hearing that will affect many of our unsuspecting youth who travel in these noisy vehicles? And is the transport division non-existent?

When "the servants of the people" are too busy to respond to your genuine cry for help you know that civility is under serious threat. How then could I expect the guy next door to give a damn if his stereo is disturbing me.

I am a retiree, I worked hard and paid my taxes for 41 years. My mom lives with me and she is 96 years old. I deserve to enjoy peace and quiet in my home every day. This is a simple basic tenet of existence that should be guaranteed to every citizen living in a country which prides itself as being civilised.

Why is this not happening, and why are so many of our citizens so silent on this matter.

At this juncture I am publicly appealing to such brilliant minds like the Dalys, the Khans, the Maharajs, etc to speak to this matter, because I am well aware that I am not too bright as I don't have a degree etc, therefore my opinion will simply be dismissed.

I am also hereby appealing to Police Commissioner Gary Griffith to instruct his charges to start enforcing this anti-nuisance law immediately and maybe the Attorney General can find the time to tweak this legislation to make it easier for the police to enforce this law, providing of course he isn't too busy recusing himself.

This is my wish for 2021. Is anyone listening? Does anyone care?


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"The absence of civility"

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