Janouras donates 100 masks to Riverside Plaza residents

Janouras Sales Clerk Wendy Benjamin distributes care packages to Riverside Plaza residents.  - JEFF K MAYERS
Janouras Sales Clerk Wendy Benjamin distributes care packages to Riverside Plaza residents. - JEFF K MAYERS

The Janouras Custom Design clothing company distributed 100 masks to residents of Riverside Plaza, Port of Spain, on Tuesday morning. Janouras also gave residents ham sandwiches and water.

Owner of the company Hannah Janoura said in a phone interview the company will distribute more masks next week Friday. She said she wastold there are 141 residents at the plaza, and she will be returning to provide masks for those who did not receive on Tuesday.

Twenty-two members of staff help to make the masks, which are made from a cotton-polyester blend material. They retail for $12.

“They were thrilled about it,” said Janoura. She said residents told her no one had reached out to them since the country’s first confirmed case of covid19 in March.

Janouras said the company will also supplyother items for residents, including toiletries such as toothpaste and toothbrushes, soap and deodorant, on the return visit next week.



"Janouras donates 100 masks to Riverside Plaza residents"

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