Othello: National mental health plan in development
Director of Mental Health Dr Hazel Othello said a technical working group has been set up to look at providing mental health and psycho-social support for those affected by the covid19 pandemic.
She said the group is made up of health ministry personnel and stakeholders from NGOs, the private healthcare system, and others, and is chaired by her. The group will meet weekly for May and June and bi-weekly thereafter for as long as required. She said the stakeholders contributed to the development of a national covid19 mental health and psycho-social support response plan.
Othello said some areas of focus are co-ordination, communication, research, strengthening health systems, public health measures, surveillance and epidemiological intelligence, and research. She said upcoming activities will include training for the ministry’s covid19 helpline responses, and webinars targeting specific groups.
"Othello: National mental health plan in development"