Covid19 protective measures for border reopening
CMO Dr Roshan Parasram said whenever borders are reopened, this will have to be done on a phased basis, and measures will have to be put in place to safeguard against covid19 re-entering the country.
He said phases of reopening may include nationals vs non-nationals, regions and countries, depending on the level of covid19 in those particular territories.
He said it is likely that everyone coming through TT's borders will be asked to self-quarantine if the covid19 levels don’t drop substantially before TT opens the borders to different countries.
Parasram said three measures likely to be put in place include thermal scanners at the airports, home quarantine for people who are arriving for at least 14 dayson arrival, to ensure there is no co-mingling of a higher-risk group with this population, and possibly state quarantine if somebody is very high-risk.
"Covid19 protective measures for border reopening"