Young statement puts TT in danger

Former minister in the National Security Ministry, Subhas Panday, says current National Security Minister Stuart Young’s cancelling of the residential private patrol initiative was a clarion call to criminals that the way was clear to carry out home invasions, rape, robbery and murder.
He is demanding that government “immediately resume” the cancelled residential private patrol initiative. Panday, in a press release on Thursday, said that this can be done without any additional cost to the State.
“The 14 regional corporations have recruited their municipal police force. These officers are well-trained, precepted and well-equipped with new vehicles and equipment to perform these patrols,” Panday suggested.
Panday, an attorney, said: “They are aware of all the local areas within their municipalities which need patrol. They are already paid by the State and these functions can be done using additional State funds.”
On Wednesday, a day after the Government announced it had intended to use four private security companies to patrol, it reversed its decision. Minister Young said in part that the decision came after hearing members of the public say they felt safe without added security.
Panday described Young’s statement as dangerous, saying it should have been “well-processed and thought out” before he made it public. Panday said Young must be cautious and measured, as national security is “too sensitive and important to be treated flippantly.”
“He stated that the residential patrol was to augment the strength of the police service by releasing police officers to deal with the hot spots. Young’s statements, Panday said, have now put the lives and properties of these residents in serious imminent danger, including home invasions, rape, robbery and murder.
Panday said, “He has telescoped to the criminals what the current situation is and in bandit’s language have hinted to them, ‘The coast is clear, you could attack now.’”
“The residents never stated that they were comfortable and happy without patrols. Objectors were against the alleged wastage and lack of transparency in the use of State resources,” Panday said.
"Young statement puts TT in danger"