Lawyers’ views mixed on prisoner release
Lawyers have expressed different opinions on a proposal announced on Monday by the Prime Minister for some low-level prisoners to be released to reduce prison overcrowding. Acting Prisons Commissioner Dennis Pulchan is confident the Prisons Service is prepared to put the proposal into practice.
On Thursday, attorney Keith Scotland said, “In my view, this is an initiative that is worth considering in light of this pandemic.”
Scotland said the world is in unprecedented times in dealing with this pandemic and measures must be taken to ensure that a spike in covid19 cases is avoided.
Scotland added that an enclosed area like a prison provides an environment for this to happen.
He said he had a client who could not access bail for a particular matter because his bailor was unavailable. Scotland said his main concern is that the people who are released from prison might use their new-found freedom to misbehave.
“We hope that those who benefit do not betray the faith or the goodwill that has been extended to them.”
Subhas Panday observed, “The jail was overcrowded long before.” On the proposed release of prisoners, he said, “Good, but not good enough.” He questioned what was being done to ensure prison officers were not exposed to covid19.
Panday said shifts of prison officers should be quarantined at the prisons for two-week periods to ensure they do not contract covid19, then allowed to leave once they are cleared by a doctor.
He also asked if the prisons themselves were being santised.
“Those cells are stink.” Sophia Chote, SC, was not clear on the criteria that will determine which prisoners will be eligible for release.
She said the proposal announced by Dr Rowley was similar to covid19 measures being taken in other countries to protect prisoners, prison officers and the wider population from being infected.
Chote said it was equally important for the prisoners who are released to be medically tested before release and properly educated about what they must do to prevent the spread of covid19. When contacted and asked if the Prisons Service was ready to handle the release of low-risk prisoners, Pulchan said, “Yes, we are.”
"Lawyers’ views mixed on prisoner release"