Sour things about sugar

THE EDITOR: Let's suppose the UNC wins the general election later this year, where are they going with the silly 'bring back the sugar industry' debate? Sugar, is as serious a killer as drugs and alcohol and should come with a health warning. The sugar industry, some yeas ago, was draining our economy dry and was as unsustainable as the Petrotrin refinery. It had to go. End of story.

Fast forward to 2020 and where is the feasibility study on returning to sugar as employment for the financially challenged? Modern technological advances will call for modern factories and less labour. Our ancient sugar factories were obsolete. Who needs to do nostalgic visits to gaze on old iron?

And when this brain dead idea stalls, where will we find the pieces of state land to reward the disappointed? Reviving sugar may possibly get the UNC some votes, based totally on nostalgia. TT cannot compete with Brazil and other present day sugar markets. The world is full of sugar substitutes and there is a concerted effort by many to reduce or live sugar-free lives.

Who will be the new enslaved indentured? CEPEP/ URP workers? Will you promise the financially challenged anything and everything to get some votes? Why turn back the clock on human suffering just for political mileage?

In the effort to win general election 2020, talk in TT has never been cheaper or sweeter. Consider instead, reviving the cocoa industry. Unsweetened dark chocolate is better for your health and a great diversification idea. It is also a proven fact that TT cocoa ranks among the best in the world as an ingredient for high-end chocolate. Think about it.



Diego Martin


"Sour things about sugar"

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