No help for V'zuelan couple hit by tree

Jairo Fontt, left, and Yuliannys Pérez.  - AYANNA KINSALE
Jairo Fontt, left, and Yuliannys Pérez. - AYANNA KINSALE

The two young Venezuelans who were injured when a tree branch fell on them in Woodford Square on January 27, have not received help from the government or the PoS Corporation.

But Yuliannys Pérez, 19, and Jairo Fontt, 22, said they would not take legal action because they have no money to pay a lawyer.

“We have no money to eat or to pay the rent for the apartment, much less to pay a lawyer. Everything is in the hands of God,” Pérez said.

She has been unemployed since the beginning of January. Fontt, despite the accident, has got a temporary job.

Perez said, "We are still injured. My boyfriend is working in pain, but we need the money to buy our food."


Both have government work permits.

"The local authorities have a repsonsibility to help us because of the injuries we have suffered, it has been difficult for us to get a job," said Perez.

The couple weer sitting on a bench in the square when the branch fell on them, pinning them to the ground. Passersby immediately helped them and called the police and fire services.They were taken to the Port of Spain General Hospital of where they were treated and discharged on Tuesday.

"We were walking around the city looking for work and decided to sit in Woodford Square in front of the Red House to rest," Perez said shortly after the accident. They were praying to find a job.

“The tree made a strange sound and fell on us. We didn't have time to get out of the way. There was no wind, ”Pérez said.

The two come from Guiria in the Venezuelan state of Sucre. Fontt has been in TT since last February and Pérez arrived in April. They live in St James.

After the incident, city corporation workers began assessing the other trees in Woodford Square and to cut down those considered dangerous.


"No help for V'zuelan couple hit by tree"

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