Awong chairman again

The head of the Couva/Tabaquite/Talparo regional corporation remains unchanged as Henry Awong was sworn in again as chairman of the corporation.
The swearing-in took place on Tuesday at the corporation’s office at Railway Road in Couva.
Ryan Rampersad retained his position as vice chairman. The slate of aldermen consists of three United National Congress (UNC) representatives and one People’s National Movement (PNM) representative.
Awong said his first order of business is to finish the work the corporation had started in the last term.
He said, “There are several infrastructural projects ongoing, and we intend to finish it as soon as possible.”
Awong added a primary focus for the corporation over the next term will be to boost the region’s local economy.
He said, “Tourism is a main source of income for us. Plans to develop Carli Bay and Knollys' Tunnel is on the agenda. We will be promoting these places as tourist attractions.”
Awong added a major challenge the corporation continued to face was getting funding for road and drainage upgrades.
“The corporation will continue to lobby for this and hope that the Ministry of Works can allocate some funding to assist,” he said.
Awong added that the corporation would be cracking down on illegal parking of trucks on the roads, as they contribute to necessary traffic congestion and posed a nuisance to law-abiding citizens.
"Awong chairman again"