To­ba­go Day climaxes with ex­po, sports and fam­i­ly day

FIle photo: The Division of Tourism, Culture and Transportation organised a show and had lots of fun at Tobago Day sports and family day in Buccoo on Friday. - DAVID REID
FIle photo: The Division of Tourism, Culture and Transportation organised a show and had lots of fun at Tobago Day sports and family day in Buccoo on Friday. - DAVID REID

Blazing sunshine provided the perfect setting on Friday for the To­ba­go Day ex­po and sports and fam­i­ly day host­ed by the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) in commemoration of Tobago Day 2019.

The clear skies at the Buc­coo In­te­grat­ed Fa­cil­i­ty gave en­cour­age­ment to the assembly’s staff to rep­re­sent and dis­play their par­tic­u­lar division. The event be­gan shortly after 2pm with a wel­come from the em­cees for the day, Marlon Callendar and Garrick Thomas.

The Division of Settlements, Urban Renewal and Public Utilities performed their routine at Tobago Day sports and family day in Buccoo on Friday. PHOTOS BY DAVID REID - DAVID REID

The assembly’s staff par­tic­i­pat­ed in char­i­ot races and oth­er fun-filled events, which pro­vid­ed lots of en­ter­tain­ment for on­look­ers and team sup­port­ers. Ac­tiv­i­ties in­clud­ed the dance pass, administrator’s walking race, musical chairs and tug-o-war, to name a few.

The Division of Tourism, Culture and Transportation performs their dance pass at Tobago Day at the Buccoo Integrated Facility on Friday. - DAVID REID


The event brought the curtain down on the week-long celebrations. Activities got under way on De­cem­ber 1 with the inaugural Tobago Restau­rant Experience which ran until December 8. Other activities included a triathlon at the Buc­coo beach, fol­lowed by a thanks­giv­ing cer­e­mo­ny at the Scar­bor­ough Li­brary Fa­cil­i­ty, the To­ba­go Day awards, as well as a Tobago Day De­bate, as senior citizens and youths took on the difficult issues affecting Tobago in one mega debate at the Assembly Legislature.


"To­ba­go Day climaxes with ex­po, sports and fam­i­ly day"

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