Griffith: Allow due process over police shootings

Gary Griffith
Gary Griffith

COMMISSIONER of Police (CoP) Gary Griffith is urging the public to allow the law to take "due process" in matters involving police shootings.

A release from the police acknowledged citizens' concern of citizens in matters, but said people should allow the relevant authorities to do their jobs.

"Any police shooting must and would be thoroughly investigated, both by the TT Police Service TTPS and the Police Complaints Authority (PCA)."

The CoP said, "Over 200 murders are allegedly linked to gang members killing other alleged gang members this year only. There is a glaring absence of persons volunteering to come forward or claiming to have witnessed what transpired.

"In cases where police were involved in shootings that resulted in casualties, people have been using various media platforms to voice their views."

The release said the CoP recognises and is sensitive to the anxiety over the murder rate.

However, it said, eyewitnesses should make a report to the PCA, as it is the right thing to do.

Pre-judging matters like these, said Griffith, can have negative effects on officers.

"It hampers their performance and may affect their actions when they are actually confronted by criminals."

In an effort to enhance police officers' safety and minimise abuse, body cameras, pepper spray, and Tasers
will soon be introduced.


"Griffith: Allow due process over police shootings"

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