Arima celebrates 131 years

The 131st year as a Royal Chartered Borough was celebrated by Arimians on Borough Day last Saturday.
As customary, celebrations kicked off with J’Ouvert at 6 am. Three bands paraded around the Princess Royal Park (Arima Savannah), before being judged at the bus lay-by.
J’Ouvert revelry has dwindled over the years in the town and masqueraders prefer to jump-up in T-shirt bands on the Saturday evening.

Just after the bands had completed their route, prison escapee Dillon Clarke was seen along Hollis Avenue enjoying the festivities. Contrary to initial reports, it was a market vendor who recognised the maximum security inmate and then alerted the police.
Parade of the Bands in the evening saw revellers hitting the streets from as early as 3 pm, with the intent of maximising the three-hour permit to masquerade. Rum Splash from Tumpuna Road South, was one of more popular bands on the road. They gave the all-inclusive experience.

China Railway Construction (Caribbean) Co Ltd (CRCL) did not bring out a band this time around but La Casita did. The latter is a group of Venezuelans who reside in the area and environs, who have made consistent cultural contributions over the years in the borough. La Casita is a cultural centre and entertainment spot for the Venezuelans. Their on-stage presentation consisted of La Burriquitas and traditional dances done to traditional instruments. Arkadians Band from Calvary also came out in large number.
The celebrations continued with Pan in D Borough. Twelve steel bands entertained everyone along with Pantrinbago President Beverly Ramsey-Moore. Borough festivities continued on Sunday with an over 40 Intercol Tournament at the Arima Velodrome.
"Arima celebrates 131 years"