Politicians must set the example
THE EDITOR: Here we go again. This has become a re-curing decimal in TT. Our politicians consistently in the news with all type of allegations of misconduct in office. I am reading of MP McDonald under probe and this is not the first politician in this scenario for this has become a trend in our country. Now I am no judge and there are the relevant authorities to deal with these matters, but what I am very concerned about as a citizen is the impact these types of allegations have on our citizenry and, on a wider scale, the nation in general.
Remember that the world is a global village. There are no secrets anymore and what is done in TT is known everywhere. Believe me, true or false, we will be judged when this type of news surfaces out there. I am asking our politicians: please give your calling the due respect, honesty and integrity that is important at all times. I am in no way accusing anyone but, in love, exhorting all. The people of our nation are watching on and whatsoever is done while in office must always be a source of encouragement to them.
I conclude with this: remember you were put there to serve the people, making their lives better. That should be your main focus. Please be an example in everything you do.
San Juan
"Politicians must set the example"