We jamming still

THE EDITOR: We are bobbing and weaving under the onslaught of homicides, but as a nation, we jamming still. Why? Because, collectively, we cling to our comfort zones. TT citizens define the words – sum total of our life experiences. The old colonials divided the descendants of slavery and indenture and put them into mistrustful competition.

We have evolved believing that having a doctorate makes one superhuman. Not forgetting the belief that light complexion and straight hair is the embodiment of true beauty and intelligence. Being of the working class,regardless of racial origin, being classified as labour sets one on the lowest rung for social status. Citizens religiously follow their religions. Race and religion have equal impact on our mindset. When Ancel Roget, president general of the Oilfield Workers Trade Union (OWTU), says we are doomed politically unless we change our ingrained beliefs. Later for Mr Roget. We like it so. Words are wind.

Being rich is an image that is part and parcel of our DNA. How you get there is your own business. We have a cadre of one per cent people at every rung of our society be it politician, business leader, bandit or trade union leader. Which is the perfect life style?

There will be no 1970 or 1990 replicated in TT. We are too smart to turn back. The silly state of emergency called in 2011 that decimated pockets cannot happen again. Jamaica with its hundreds more homicides than us, still has millions more visitors to their shores. Never, ever decry successful, sustained marketing.

Violent crime in TT must be stage managed some might even say, managed violently before there can be measurable improvement. Hence the alleged relevancy of the pressure tactics of the Commissioner of Police and the Minister of National Security.


Read my political lips, image is everything. Wash off the blood and we jamming still.


Diego Martin


"We jamming still"

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