Let's blame ourselves

THE EDITOR: Murders and violent crime are out of control in Trinidad and Tobago.

It is easy to point fingers at the government because the number one responsibility of the government (that the people elected) is the safety and security of its citizenry, but the citizens are also to blame for the chaos in Trinidad and Tobago at the moment.

We have a responsibility to hold the government to account and to report crime. We know who the drug lords are and those who hold illegal weapons. We know the gang leaders and continue doing business with them. We know who the corrupt police officers are, but we befriend them in order to meet our crooked ends. We know exactly who the criminals are, but we continue throwing a blind eye to their wickedness. It appears that the government has failed us miserably, but we have also failed ourselves.

Where do we turn for help in these dangerous times?





"Let's blame ourselves"

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