A nation in turmoil

THE EDITOR: What is the point of having a government or police force within this nation? This island is no doubt a replica of the Wild West. We just do not have illegal killers riding around on horses but that is now the only difference as the criminals rule the roost here.

The problem is obviously getting worse day by day and the police is unable to stem the flow of serious crimes and galloping lawlessness here as was foreseen. We have at present a completely useless government with its politicians suffering from gross immunity of all the internal adversities here, and the majority of citizens allowing a group of men and women calling themselves politicians and who are supposed to be operating a democracy, but who are using on bullying techniques and an administration showing many signs of a dictatorship.

It has now become pointless on relying on any present political party here to put us back on the right path. We now urgently need the formation of a new political party which must keep any of our present politicians at bay. It is a shame that this nation has come to rely only on the profits of our oil and gas resources to run this nation which has created an easy way of financing our political needs.

We must now look ahead for new methods of financing this nation as sooner than later we will have to go to the IMF to borrow more money in order to keep our heads above water. The government has like previous governments continue to waste the remaining dwindling income on plans to build a new road in Diego Martin which is not at all surprising, since there is a lot of kickbacks associated with such projects.

At present, the citizens here are led like lost sheep and they too are now showing the signs of being led by shepherds who have lost their way, but who are still suffering from personal financial greed. All in all, this is a nation in turmoil.



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"A nation in turmoil"

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