Arouca girls get mentorship programme

There is a need for proper mentorship for young girls, and now 60 of them in the Arouca/Maloney constituency can benefit from a programme called EmpowHer.
MP for the area Camille Robinson-Regis said the programme will target girls between ten and 15 from the constituency, especially those transitioning to secondary schools, and will also help develop and equip them for their new environment.
“This experience is aimed at providing this group of young girls with deeper insight as it relates to a number of key developmental areas," she said. “It includes various topics and activities such as communication, formal and informal; money and finance: understanding savings and investments; health and wellness: mind, body and soul; self-esteem and bullying; motivation and tolerance; etiquette and protocol: from greeting to eating.”
Robinson-Regis said the girls will be trained by skilled facilitators, mentors, industry professionals and many others.
In addition, she said the girls will have the opportunity to interact with a "Woman of Note" each day and will take part in a series of fun activities such as karaoke, craft, team-building exercises and more.
She said some of the special guests expected are mayor of Arima Lisa Morris-Julian, Dr Dianne Douglas, Sonja Pollonais, Candice Welch, Lorie-Ann Roberts, representatives of Eastern Credit Union and other invited trainers.
"Arouca girls get mentorship programme"