Freemasons raise funds at charity ball

On Saturday, freemasons from various lodges across TT, and their wives, girlfriends and partners, gathered at MovieTowne’s Casablanca Ballroom for the TT Masonic Charity Organisation’s (TTMCO) 41st Freemason’s annual charity ball.
Among the lodges represented on the night were Royal Philanthropic, Royal Prince of Wales, Royal Connaught, St Andrew, Naparima, Daniel Hart, Ava Emlyn, United Brothers, Eastern Star, Rosslyn, Arima, Alexandra, Caribbean Light, Royalian, Tobago Kilwinning, Felicity, Trinity, Hesterus, Bi-Centennial, Prince Hall. The event is one of TTMCO’s major drives to raise funds for various charities throughout TT.

The organisation, founded in 1976, has also made donations to masons by way of pensions and medical expenses for both masons and non-masons and various charities such as the Princess Elizabeth Centre, Mothers Union Children’s Home, Home for Battered Children, Goodwill Industries among others.
District grandmaster Rajin Bhagwat told patrons: “This ball is a charity event not meant not only to make money but it is an evening where the masons bring out the ladies and thank them for putting up with us for the past year. Those of us who have to be at meetings three or four times a week for having our stuff ready for when we are about to leave.. It ‘s an evening to pay tribute to our ladies.”

The TTMCO is the charity arm of masonry in TT and whatever funds are raised from the charity ball, 75 per cent of it goes towards charity.
Bhagwat, in his very short welcome remarks, asked all present: “Join with us in keeping masonry alive in TT.”
After a sumptuous dinner, patrons partied the night away, some taking home door prizes.
"Freemasons raise funds at charity ball"