Hosein: Promote peace, forgiveness

Local Government Minister Kazim Hosein, seen in this photo posted on his Facebook page, during his Hajj pilgrimmage to Mecca in 2014.
Local Government Minister Kazim Hosein, seen in this photo posted on his Facebook page, during his Hajj pilgrimmage to Mecca in 2014.

RURAL Development and Local Government Minister Kazim Hosein is encouraging citizens to "is to continue to live a life that promotes peace, forgiveness, respect and empathy. This was one of the key points in his Eid-ul-Fitr message to the nation. Hosein also urged citizens to teach their children the importance of charity and doing good.

"They are the future of our nation; and we have a duty to inculcate in them strong values grounded in love, respect and service," he said. Hosein added, " It is pivotal that our children know that no matter where they worship; it may be in a rural or urban masjid, the belief in one God and their religious practice remain the same in every mosque across our twin-island nation."


"Hosein: Promote peace, forgiveness"

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