Arrive Alive: Increase in road fatalities for 2019

Arrive Alive president Sharon Inglefield called on pedestrians and cyclists to be accountable for their own safety as road fatalities have increased in 2019
Speaking to the media today at the launch of the 5th UN Global Road Safety Week at City Gate pedestrian crossing, Inglefield said groups all around the world will be launching road safety week today.
This is to advocate for better road markings, lighting, and improved road surfaces, safety barriers, safe intersection layouts and pedestrian crossings.
She said for 2019 45 people have died in road traffic accidents so far as compared to 37 during the same period in 2018.
“We are also pleading with drivers to respect pedestrians and cyclists on the roadways. We are asking cyclists and motorcyclists to wear bright colours. Never wear black because it disappears into the environment, and to the cyclists in particular, wear helmets.”
"Arrive Alive: Increase in road fatalities for 2019"