Trinis love to bad talk TT
THE EDITOR: We have learned this careless behaviour from our politicians and their devoted followers to speak negatively about TT and publish the gossip.
Opposite to TT, one will never hear a Bajan bad talk Barbados. They laugh at us, who they do not like anyway, when we go to their island and start to "put down" TT. I lived there for 35 years, and my own family and friends did this. I told them, "Do that this evening in front of the Bajans, and I will pack your suitcase for you to go to stay with them."
These two islands are so different, it is like "chalk and cheese." TT is multinational, our people used to be more friendly and kind, so where did this insecurity come from, that we can only criticise our own.
Look what happened on TV, Chef Anthony Bourdain of the Travel Show came to TT to taste and eat our food, but "no, that was not enough, we told him about the 1990 Coup and all the crime and negatives that have ever happened here, and that is what he talked about on Prime Time CNN News for the whole world to hear. So much for Tourism and Investments in TT?
That is why newspaper sales have dropped here, who wants to start each day reading only negatives? It is all about advertising everything bad that is happening in our beautiful twin islands, same on television? Will the people of TT make an effort to change in 2019, to appreciate and count our blessings!
Patricia Blades, Cocorite
"Trinis love to bad talk TT"