I lied because I feared failing exams


A Chaguanas teenager who reported to police last Tuesday that he was abducted, pistol-whipped, ordered to carry out a sexual act and robbed of a cellphone and cash confessed to officers that he lied because he feared failing exams.

The teen student also told police that for the past seven weeks he had not been going to school and instead spent school hours liming at malls and attending movies.

He said when he was scheduled to write exams last week, he knew that he would fail and concocted a plan to report his abduction and robbery.

He felt this would result in his parents being lenient.


So the student reported that around 3.30 pm last Tuesday, he was walking along a street in Chaguanas when he was held up by a man armed with a gun who ordered him into a gold Nissan Tiida car.

He said he was placed in the backseat of the vehicle by the gunman who then began beating him with a pistol.

The student also alleged that the man asked him to perform oral sex but he refused. He also reported being further beaten and then robbed of a cellphone valued $1,600 and $30. Following the report made by the student, officers of Chauguanas CID led by Asp Richards Smith and Insp Marlon Alexander along with constables Mohammed and Joseph interviewed the student.

On Friday, the student was re-interviewed by the same officers and during the interview, he broke down and cried telling them that he planned the whole story because he was afraid of telling his parents the truth. The shocked parents looked on in amazement as their son confessed to officers about the hoax kidnapping and robbery.

Following the interview, the officers sought direction from other senior officers and they decided to forgo prosecution and instead arranged for the student to undergo counselling. Officers said yesterday that they had the option of charging the teen with wasteful employment of police time.

Arrangements were made on Friday for the student to begin his counselling this week. The student has been mandated to report to the Chaguanas Police Station regularly.


"I lied because I feared failing exams"

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