Murdered Anita to be buried today

ANITA Bahadur will be laid to rest today after a service at the Carapichaima Masjid at 9 am. The 27-year-old woman who was stabbed to death, allegedly by her estranged lover, in San Juan on Tuesday, will be buried near her mother who suffered the same fate nine years ago.
Relatives told Newsday yesterday that Bahadur grew up in a Muslim home, and may have diverted from the faith in later years, but family members who are practising Muslims decided to give her a Muslim funeral in order to bury her near her mother.
Bahadur’s four children, one of whom remains in foster care, will also be at the funeral, and the youngest of the children will be brought to the funeral by child protective services.
On Thursday, relatives viewed Bahadur’s body and washed it in accordance with Muslim burial rites. They told Newsday that while family are depending on each other for strength, several family members are still coming to terms with her death.
Bahadur was at the Croisee in San Juan, when a man, who was released from prison a little over a week ago, approached her and stabbed her in the chest.
"Murdered Anita to be buried today"