Nationwide manhunt for La Brea killer
POLICE are carrying out a nationwide manhunt for the suspect in the murder of four people in La Brea on Tuesday. During the police weekly press briefing yesterday, public affairs officer Michael Jackman said while police had been searching for the suspect before the murder, that search has since intensified.
“Police officers throughout (the country) are focused on this investigation and are seeking to locate and arrest the suspect,” Jackman said, responding to questions. He said the police have also put all available resources into detaining a suspect in the murder of Melissa Tricia Emmanuel, who was killed during a robbery on Wrightson Road last week.
Jackman said he was made aware that a report had been made by Abigail Chapman, one of the La Brea murder victims, of a domestic-violence incident. He said enquiries were made, a statement was recorded from her and she sought medical attention. “The enquiry was ongoing and the police was searching for the suspect. They took action, but they were unable to locate the suspect,” Jackman said.
“In all instances of domestic violence we would want people who are aware of the act of violence being perpetrated against the victims to come forward. Any person who has a relationship with any victim may come forward early, give information to the police and cause police to take necessary action to prevent these incidents escalating to a homicide situation.”
He said wherever a report on a domestic violence incident was made, the process involved taking action, which entailed recording the incident in the station diary, recording statements from victims and witnesses, and, where people were assaulted, taking them for medical attention nearby. “It is a process, and where we identify that there is in fact urgent need to move people or have them removed, we advise them to move. “It is up to the victim to place themselves in other, safe surroundings. There is an option on behalf of the victim.”
Police are conducting a nationwide manhunt for the main suspect in the murder of four people in La Brea on Tuesday.
During the TT Police Service (TTPS) Weekly Press Briefing, Public Affairs Officer Michael Jackman told media while police had been searching for the suspect prior to the murder, that search had been intensified to include officers throughout the country.
"Police officers throughout (the country) are focused on this investigation and are seeking to locate and arrest the suspect in this matter," Jackman said, responding to questions.
He said the TTPS had also put all available resources into detaining a suspect in the murder of Melissa Tricia Emmanuel who was killed during a robbery on Wrightson Road last week.
"Nationwide manhunt for La Brea killer"