Senator suggests Financial Crimes Court
MONEY-LAUNDERING cases are so complex, lengthy and high-value that they should perhaps be tried in a special Financial Crimes Court to be established within the Magistrate Court system, suggested Acting Independent Senator Stacy Cummings.
She gave her maiden speech on Tuesday in the Senate debate on the Miscellaneous Provisions (Mutual Assistance in Legal Matters) Bill 2017.
While the bill suggests such crimes be triable both ways, that is High Court or Magistrate Court, she suggested a specialist court be run by the Magistracy. “Money laundering cases are not easy to prosecute. They are complex, challenging and time consuming.”
Cummings, an attorney formerly working at the Office of Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), used the occasion to make a plug for proper resources to be allocated to that office. She recalled starting work there 20 years ago when on evenings staff would witness rats in the ceiling. Cummings said the DPP’s San Fernando Office had been even worse, having been condemned by TTEC as a fire hazard and unfit for occupation.
"Senator suggests Financial Crimes Court"