Prisoners reap ganja, phones, cigarettes and cash


PRISONERS reaped a harvest of marijuana, cigarettes, cash, cell phones, chargers and other electronic devices buried in a garden inside the Maximum Security Prison over the past seven days.

It remained unclear if the prohibited items were smuggled into the prison and if there was involvement by prison officers and prisoners.

However, Prisons Commissioner Gerard Wilson is working on information that the items may have found their way onto the compound through the use of drones. According to reports, a prisoner working in the garden informed a senior officer about the illegal items hidden in pig tail buckets and buried.

It was alleged yesterday that a carton of cigarette normally retails for $250. However, the price within the prison is $4,500 while a pound of marijuana is sold at $80,000 inside the prison. A source also revealed that a cell phone, commonly referred to as a “me too” can fetch between $2,000 and $2,500.


The last cigarette find was on Sunday and sources said over 300 packets of Du Maurier and Broadway were seized.

Yesterday, Wilson said the investigation is at a sensitive stage and he is intent on finding those involved.

“We are investigating this matter internally, and if we come up with a name or names the information will be passed on to the police.


"Prisoners reap ganja, phones, cigarettes and cash"

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