Significance of 337 and road deaths
THE EDITOR: In recent media interviews with the police, namely ASP Kissoon Badloo and road safety coordinator Brent Batson, it was revealed that 2017 had the lowest road death toll in 22 years. There were 117 road deaths. In 2016 there were 135.
I think the police missed the whole point which is that the introduction of the speed guns cut road deaths by 50 per cent.
The key factor in this entire situation was that the introduction of the speed guns by the PNM after only six months in office reduced road deaths by 50 per cent.
The UNC attempted to do this in 2010 when it came into office but it sought to purchase 400 speed guns. The contract could not be worked out and as such speed guns were not introduced.
If the UNC had introduced the speed guns after six months in office as the PNM did, 337 people who died on the road would have been saved. I refer to this as the “UNC personal 337 massacre.” In this regard, the number 337 should never be forgotten.
It is strange that this point is hardly ever mentioned. The lesson here is the possible tragic consequences where governments might be influenced by personal considerations rather than dealing objectively with development issues.
"Significance of 337 and road deaths"