Richards remembered in Upper House

If there ever was a well rounded personality, a genuine patriot, and a plain and simple good man, that man was George Maxwell Richards, former President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

This is according to Leader of Government Business in the Senate Franklin Khan who said during the sitting on Tuesday, “Today we need more good men and good women” in a tribute to the former president during yesterday’s Senate sitting. The Senate paid a minute’s silence in his honour.

Richards, he said, was a scholar and academic par excellence, the president with the “ability to have amicable and productive relationships with the executive, opposition, the parliament and all stakeholders in Trinidad and Tobago,” an intense family man, and “Max the quintessential Trinibagonian” who loved culture, the arts and enjoying life to the max.

Richards becoming a staff trainee with the then British oil company in the 50s as a man of colour, Khan said, “was a tremendous achievement.” Paying similar tributes were Opposition Leader Wade Mark, Independent Senator Dhanayshar Mahabir and Senate Vice President Nigel De Freitas.

Mark said that Richards was “a Trini to the bone” and the only president whose DNA harboured Amerindian and Chinese ancestry. “He reflected our multi-ethnic society.”



"Richards remembered in Upper House"

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