Soldier charged with wounding

Kerros Martin, a Defence Force soldier whose one-year-old daughter Soriah Martin was shot dead during an altercation on December 12, appeared before a Sangre Grande Magistrate yesterday, charged with wounding with intent against Gregory Harracksingh.
Police said they are awaiting the results of ballistics tests on a gun to determine whether any additional charges can be laid.
Martin, 29, of Jacelon Trace, Vega De Oropouche, Sangre Grande, appeared before Magistrate Debra Quintyne in the 1st Magistrate’s Court. He was granted $75,000 bail and instructed to have no form of communication with 63-year-old Harracksingh. He was also ordered not to go within a half mile of Harracksingh and his home. His passport is to be handed over to a clerk of the peace.
Harracksingh was holding Soriah when they both were shot.
"Soldier charged with wounding"