A Nicki Minaj Trini Restaurant?

How about some Minaj curry? Well, that might just be available soon. Nicki Minaj, the Trini-born rapper tweeted last Thursday, “Opening a Trini restaurant in NY. Where exactly should it be?”
The tweet drew a number of responses from Minaj’s followers. It got 2,763 re-tweets and over 15,000 likes, and the figures were climbing at the time of writing.
A user called Laced Blunt said, “If you don’t put it in Queens I’m suing.”
Krissy said, “Well whatever it is just make sure the roti and pulari [sic] with tambourine [sic] sauce is on point! Doh make joke!”
A user told Minaj to drop an album first and then open a restaurant. Some offered suggestions as to where Minaj could open the restaurant among them Queens, Brooklyn, Portugal and Manhattan.
Minajivation suggested, “Open a trini fast food restaurant like KFC and sell it all around the world.”
"A Nicki Minaj Trini Restaurant?"