Why complain now, Kamla?
THE EDITOR: Open letter to UNC political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar.
I had promised myself not to say a single thing during the campaign for the party election, but I just could not be silent after reading in yesterday’s Newsday your complaint against Christine Newallo-Hosein during the UNC cottage meeting in Rio Claro.
Why complain now? Surely, you knew that Newallo-Hosein ditched the UNC for the COP in 2006 when you ignored loyalty and named her as the candidate for Cumuto/Manzanilla in 2015.
And surely, you very well knew that three of your councillors on the Sangre Grande Regional Corporation were active members of either the PNM or ILP when they were selected to contest local government elections in 2015 for the UNC.
You chose to ignore the constituency executive when this was brought to your attention.
So don’t blame the PNM for you reaping the whirlwind. This was all part of your weird strategy in 2015.
And one more thing, if this internal election is conducted in the same manner as that of the 2015 leadership election, then you may as well receive my congratulations for your victory in advance.
HARRY PARTAP, UNC life member
"Why complain now, Kamla?"