When will Arima pipe project end?
THE EDITOR: It was interesting to see on the news last Tuesday, the mayor of Arima complaining about the state of O’Meara Road and the lack of progress on a pipe-laying project.
This project is already more than a year overdue. At least 12 trenches have been dug across O’Meara Road, some having steel sheets across them, some dirt, and others are halfway patched and sink under the weight of vehicles. This is a main artery linking the Churchill-Roosevelt Highway to Arima proper.
The interesting thing is that the MP for D’Abadie/O’Meara Ancil Antoine was once Minister of Public Utilities, the line ministry for WASA. Why is he not speaking for his constituents who are greatly inconvenienced?
We have no idea when this project will be completed, because work has almost stopped, while the road is in a mess and worsens when it rains. It is often said that the price of progress is high, but how much more must we suffer before this waste water treatment project is completed?
Come on, WASA and Antoine.
R PATINO via e-mail
"When will Arima pipe project end?"