New ODPM head sorry to see Williams leave

NEW ODPM HEAD:Captain Neville Wint
NEW ODPM HEAD:Captain Neville Wint

The new man at the helm of the Office for Disaster Preparedness and Management (ODPM) Captain Neville Wint said yesterday that while he was sorry to see Colonel Dave Williams leave the job, he is now prepared to take the ODPM forward and continue with some of the policies put in place by Williams.

Wint, who was named as the person to oversee the ODPM following the resignation of Williams on Tuesday, said his former boss bade farewell to staff hours before he tendered his resignation.

The resignation was given to Minister of National Security Brigadier Edmund Dillon, who accepted the resignation late Tuesday.

Sources revealed Williams was not asked to resign but opted to do so of his own free will amidst widespread criticism levelled against him in the aftermath of the ODPM’s handling of last week’s widespread flooding.

Among his critiques was Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley, who promised that heads will roll for the ODPM’s alleged mishandling of the flooding which plagued south, central and east Trinidad.


Yesterday, Wint said the ODPM must continue to function even in the wake of criticism and said bad weather was expected yesterday and overnight. He assured the ODPM was working with municipal corporations to ensure that they can respond to any reports.

“We are asking the population to be extra vigilant as the already saturated grounds can result in rivers rising suddenly, even homes being flooded out. In event of flooding and if persons are marooned, we are asking them to get to higher ground by being vigilant and if they observe that the water levels are rising, we are asking persons to evacuate to a shelter of a family member’s home. Where that is not possible and persons choose not to evacuate, we ask them to take the necessary precautions and seek higher ground within the home if it is a two-storey or call the emergency 511-999 or toll free numbers for regional corporations.”

He reminded members of the public that the ODPM is entrusted with the responsibility of monitoring situations once they get the information from regional corporations.

Additionally, the ODPM will continue to monitor the hazard impact, requests made for assistance by affected municipal corporations and coordinating of multi-agency response to notifications.

He also noted the ODPM will continue to provide emergency supplies as needed by the corporations.

“A lot of relief supplies were distributed to all corporations during the recent flooding”, we had request for sandbags, cots and blankets for persons at shelters while the Ministry of Social Development have been providing some other relief. He said additionally, the regional corporation asked for hampers, water, hygiene kits, and mattresses.

He reminded that the ODPM does not store mattresses but that the those items are sourced for people in distress by the regional corporations through the Ministry of Social Development and in some cases corporate bodies and good Samaritans.

Wint’s substantive post is relief officer with responsibility for the ODPM - until a deputy and CEO are appointed. He was a Defense Force officer for 24 years and has been with the ODPM for the past nine years.


"New ODPM head sorry to see Williams leave"

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