Robberies leave UWI students on edge


Students of the University of the West Indies (UWI) St Augustine campus are on edge after reports of robberies on campus on Monday and Tuesday nights. Public Relations Officer of the UWI St Augustine Guild of Students Nikoli Edwards stated, “Generally there is a sense of fear on campus, and the guild has taken note of the number of criminal activity in recent days.”

He confirmed that campus security has been engaged and measures have been put in place to ensure students’ safety on campus. These measures include enforcing the campus’ no-thoroughfare policy as well as requiring students to wear their ID on campus. He called for students to take responsibility for their personal safety by walking in groups, being mindful of the valuables they carry and to also be extra vigilant when on campus at late hours.

Edwards stated that the guild is calling upon the administration to take responsibility for students’ safety while on campus. He said that they are asking the administration to strengthen their efforts to protect students.

“We understand that campus security is understaffed and this is a concern for students as they are paying money through their compulsory fees to ensure their comfort,” Edwards said.


He stated that due to the size of the university, there are many entry points, and the guild is calling for all access points to be properly secured.

“All efforts must be made to increase manpower and ensure on an average day the campus is properly secured,” Edwards stated.

Edwards stated that the campus security service is cooperating with the guild to strengthen their efforts against illegal activities on campus.

He stated that the guild expects that enforcement of security policies and heightened patrols will be a sustained effort by campus security. “In the past, when efforts were doubled by security, after some time things allowed returned to some level of normalcy.”

Edwards added, “The guild and students have already given their commitment to some sort of action, be it a protest or demonstration if these efforts are not sustained.”


"Robberies leave UWI students on edge"

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