Bryan Bertrand Jordan - artist, aspiring pilot

Bryan Bertrand Jordan is an artist. And in a few months’ time, he will be a certified pilot.
A past student of Scarborough Roman Catholic Primary and Bishop’s High School, Jordan, who was born in Whim, said his love for both art and aviation is equally enduring, that he began to nurture his passion for both subjects since he was four years old.
“I’m in love with aviation and art,” he told Newsday Tobago is a recent interview. Currently enrolled as a student of the Antigua Flight Training Centre, in Antigua, he has been practising his art for years now.
“When I started art for the first time I was in preschool, I suppose building play dough models of airplanes, combined with drawing all over the walls at home, one could only say that I was childish, but this wasn’t the case. Even then, I was inspired by my eagerness to communicate with the world what was going on in my mind,” he said. He said as he grew older and into his adolescence, his then art mentor, who is now his stepfather, Wilcox Morris, became an inspiration.
“He led me into a world of art appreciation, as he is a renowned artist of Tobago. I wasn’t only inspired by him, but I became inspired by many thought models, concepts of art, and other artists- and one in particular to name - Leonardo da Vinci. Da Vinci inspires me as an artist and even more because he was a great polymath who has led me since then to believe that I can do absolutely anything I want to do.
“I am inspired to paint, sculpt, draw and create boundlessly by the reason to show you, all of you, what it's like looking through the eyes of Bryan Jordan. I am inspired by what I see in my life and certainly what I
imagine, so that my works may share these visions with you. These are the inspirations as to why I picked up the paintbrush,” he said
“Although this venture into flying has been my first stepping stone into a career in aviation, art on the other hand has taken many moments in my life thus far, through art competitions, art shows, public murals, collaborations and even a recent accomplishment in placing in the top 10, regionally, for CAPE Art and Design Units 1 and 2- 2015 and 2016 respectively,” he said.
In fact, with the help of a support team, Jordan currently runs a small scale-art studio and an online gallery, Jordan Studios. In 2009, he was the Unit Trust Corporation (UTC) Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) Scholar.
But airplanes never left his mind. In 2015, he won the Antigua Flight Training Centre Regional Essay competition and was awarded a scholarship that covers, the cost of the Private Pilot’s License course at the centre. He started flight school in August 2016 and is expected to finish at the end of 2017.
“My profession in the future would definitely be along the path of aviation and art. I am certain for now that I would like to become a commercial pilot and a visual artist. It must be so ironic to imagine, but what led me here to aviation was my dream to become a pilot… I haven’t figured it all out just yet but I would like to imagine that I would be a commercial pilot full-time, while being an artist part- time but I believe that bigger plans potentially are ahead, where these two diverging careers may meet a common shade in the skies.
“I see that this could possibly lead me into innovating the aviation marketing sector globally; or even joining the aircraft design field. For now, these are some possible destinations on my radar ahead, and I will take sufficient time explore them before I consider them active goals,” Jordan said, adding that he enjoys building model aircrafts from scratch.
He credits his parents, and a strong support system for a strong faith in himself and God.
“Every morning, I rise and affirm myself not to who I am now, but who I aspire to become. As I suit up into my pilot’s uniform. I am surrounded by many friends and family who are always there for me, pushing me to believe in myself every day. Sure, there are days I still get a tad bit down just like any human, but I am consistent in my efforts to remain motivated. I think it’s safe to say what motivates me, also encourages me. I am particularly encouraged by my mother, Dianne Phillips-Morris, who strengthens my faith in God. I daily gain encouragement from a very strong and diverse team of support from all over the world, particularly of family,” he said.
His advice to fellow young people is that the sky is the limit.
“You can achieve anything, even careers that have not yet either come into existence or be defined. Take the time to find the things you have a burning desire for. Understand that the path to getting there doesn't need to be perfect nor happen under perfect circumstances….be aware that challenges are only part of the process, and is usually very important to prepare you for the demands of whatever field you get into,” he said.
“It is important that you have faith, and plenty of it, to get to where you're going. Always pray and seek God first in everything that you do. I encourage you to be an inspiration to your colleagues in the process, because when you help others, you're in turn helping yourself. Be kind along the journey, and remain humble. Remember that you will literally attract who you are,” he added.
"Bryan Bertrand Jordan – artist, aspiring pilot"