Tobago RC priest: Show love during Lent

A Roman Catholic priest has challenged his congregation to show love to their fellow citizens, even those with whom they may have fallen out of favour.
Fr Leslie Tang Kai issued the challenge during Ash Wednesday mass at the St Joseph RC Church, Scarborough, Tobago.
“Reach out to that person who has treated you badly. It may be a neighbour or even a priest” he said.
“Empathise and sympathise with their thinking and behaviour and not be an enemy – a person that really needs that tender love to be poured on them. This is the opportunity that God has given to us to come to Him,” he said.
Ash Wednesday, which marks the official start of the 40-day Lenten period, is a Christian holy day of prayer and fasting. During church services, priests place ashes on the foreheads of followers as a reminder that “they are dust and to dust they shall return.”
Observing that Christians often gather to sing about the goodness of God, Tang Kai said Lent provides the perfect opportunity for forgiveness and reconciliation.
“This is an opportunity to truly live out the goodness of God.”
He asked, “If we are to be a sign or sacrament of God’s goodness in the world, are we showing compassion as our heavenly father is compassionate?”
While some may abstain from food and alcohol during Lent, Tang Kai said fasting and alms-giving during the period was not about showing off but earnest reflection.
“You can do it from the secret of your hearts.”
During the mass, parishioners adhered to all of the covid19 health protocols. Sanitising and temperature check stations were set up at strategic areas of the church.
Members of the congregation were also asked to sanitise and stand six feet apart before receiving holy communion. Pews accommodated two people per row.
"Tobago RC priest: Show love during Lent"