Heed call for proper plan for football

THE EDITOR: The Minister of Sport and Community Development, Shamfa Cudjoe, is reported as calling on all football players, stakeholders, associations, community groups and anybody who has a say in football to come together and plan a proper a way forward for the sport. Noble indeed but certainly needing the forum and facilitation for this to happen.

At present there seems to be no regional associations, leaving areas, including clubs, almost voiceless. The TTFA Normalisation Committee has been largely silent and even incommunicable. Efforts at contacting the association by phone have been unsuccessful and even correspondence delivered has not received acknowledgement.

How do we, who have given our blood, sweat, tears, talent and treasure to football and lament the state of the game today, find the avenue to get our voices heard?

Until we set up some effective mechanism to facilitate meaningful involvement of stakeholders, inclusive of fans, we are deprived any opportunity to be involved and calls like this one from the minister will be yet another one of desirable intent falling by the wayside.

Recently, noted sports analyst Colin Murray also lamented the state of football.

We must go beyond hopes and prayers for our football. There were the days when every bit of correspondence to the TTFA was responded to in a timely fashion. Those responsible for the leadership of the game today must take the responsibility that comes with position and cannot be mere spectators just posturing.

In commending the minister, I likewise urge all parties to heed her request and look forward to greater accessibility to the authorities and, more so, their action. From conversations with people of competence, interest, experience and quality service to football, there is the goodwill and commitment to lending the kind of support we are seeking here.

Let this not be another one under the carpet, but, at last, one that produced results. Will we go into slumber or celebrate results? Hopefully we will be able to see desired results.


former FIFA referee and

football administrator


"Heed call for proper plan for football"

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