No masses at Maraval, Paramin this week due to covid19 case

An aerial shot of Our Lady of Lourdes RC Church and Maraval RC Prime School in Maraval on Saturday. The school and church, as well as the Paramin church, will be closed and sanitised after a standard five student and family tested positive for covid19. PHOTO BY JEFF MAYERS -
An aerial shot of Our Lady of Lourdes RC Church and Maraval RC Prime School in Maraval on Saturday. The school and church, as well as the Paramin church, will be closed and sanitised after a standard five student and family tested positive for covid19. PHOTO BY JEFF MAYERS -

THERE will be no masses at Our Lady of Lourdes, Maraval and Our Lady of Guadalupe, Paramin for a week after a child that tested positive for covid19 attended the Maraval RC School.

Camsel, the Archdiocese communications arm, in a release said that out of an abundance of caution the two churches will be closed from Saturday to Friday July 31. The churches will reopen on on Saturday, August 1.

Camsel reported that mass was scheduled to be live streamed at 5.30 pm Saturday, at 9 am Sunday, and Monday to Friday at 6 pm via Fr Ron Mendes, parish priest of Maraval, Paramin and Cameron Facebook page.

"The two churches will be fumigated and professionally sanitised early in the week. The Ministry of Health is assisting with the details of the sanitisation of the two churches."

Camsel added that the Maraval RC School is also being similarly sanitised and all students and teachers of Standard 5 have been placed in quarantine and will be tested for the virus on Monday and Tuesday.


"When the results are returned, we will know then how to proceed. In the meantime, everyone should scrupulously follow the guidelines of the Ministry of Health and, as far as possible, avoid all social contact.

"May God have mercy on us and may our mother Mary cover us with her protective mantle."


"No masses at Maraval, Paramin this week due to covid19 case"

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