Phone records at issue in Anand’s case

File photo: Anand Ramlogan
File photo: Anand Ramlogan

THE LEAD attorney for former attorney general Anand Ramlogan on Monday hinted at a possible constitutional challenge against the State in its witness-tampering case against him.

Senior Counsel Pamela Elder complained of the prosecution “making a mockery of justice” by seeking a warrant from a High Court judge under the Interception of Communications Act to obtain phone records, after the defence had filed its evidential objections to the evidence.

Elder made the complaint to Chief Magistrate Maria Busby Earle-Caddle when Ramlogan returned to court for a status update in the case against him.

Elder said it was only after the defence filed its evidential objects to the admissibility of the phone records, because of how they were previously obtained, that the prosecution went for a bench warrant under the Interception of Communications Act.

She said that legislation had specific legislative safeguards and asked Earle-Caddle to rule on the defence’s objections so that it can be determined whether a constitutional claim should be filed.

The chief magistrate told Elder Monday’s hearing was for case management, and it was up to the defence to file a claim if it so chose.

She also asked senior prosecutor Mauricia Joseph when the records will be disclosed to the defence and was told this would be done by Friday.

Elder also said she was disappointed by the length of time it has taken for the evidence to be shared with the defence.

The matter has been adjourned to April 28.

On that date, Earle-Caddle will likely set trial dates for the start of the case.

At a previous hearing, Ramlogan’s attorneys said they intended to question Police Complaints Authority (PCA) director David West, Police Commissioner Gary Griffith and Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi.

Ramlogan is before the Chief Magistrate on charges of misbehaviour in public office and obstruction of justice.He was charged in 2017.

The allegation against him surrounds an allegation by West that Ramlogan approached him to withdraw his witness statement in a defamation case against then Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley in 2014.

Griffith, who was then the minister of national security, and Ramlogan, who was AG at the time, were fired from the Cabinet in 2015 after police started an investigation.


"Phone records at issue in Anand’s case"

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