TT showed its true spirit

THE EDITOR: The extraordinary show of citizenship and patriotism which was shown by the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago towards those affected by devastating floods must be commended. In these difficult times, the we citizens were indeed the true first responders.

Regardless of what the Minister of National Security or the ODPM will like us to believe, they dropped the ball in attending to the plight of many, and had it not been for the love and support of the ordinary citizens, we would have been in a far worse place than we are now.

The citizens have shown us the true definition of patriotism; a word that the government likes to throw around to anyone who questions them, but respectfully seem not to understand. It is however a word I wish those in charge will stop saying and start acting.

The aftermath of the flooding saw the Minister of National Security call out citizens to help, and also blamed everyone for shortcomings. He refused to accept shortcomings on the part of the state machinery of which he is a vital part.

While it is commendable that citizens have taken the responsibility to assist, it really should not be the cop out of the government. The government and the Cabinet are not spending their personal money to help flood victims. They are spending our money, the funds of those who were affected by the floods as well as those who are lending a helping hand.

It is their sacred duty to respond and to serve; a pact they made when they received the majority vote which entitled them to office. They are not doing any favours, and therefore should not be acting as though the population is asking too much when we cry out about the poor response to disasters or the poor response in provision of goods and services in times of disaster iron a daily basis.

In response to an opposition senator who chose to go out and be among people in this time rather than engage in "sterile discussion and debate" the government argued that it was a move that broke the spirit of patriots of this nation, as the budget was necessary to provide funds for those affected. What an ironic state of affairs!

In the past when this government took the citizens money to help those in need in neighbouring countries, it never required the approval or blessing of parliament or the Opposition. They may be seem to be galavanting for social media to some, but to those affected by floods, on this occasion it seems like the opposition did more than what the State did for those flood victims. Interesting that after three years in opposition they seem to get things done better than the government itself. .

VEDAVID MANICK, Sangre Grande.


"TT showed its true spirit"

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