Dangerous sidewalk

THE EDITOR: While this might seem to be trivial and not worth time or money, it needs to be considered.

There is a small sidewalk, only two blocks long, around the Queen’s Park Savannah South, on the opposite side between what is referred to as the old Casuals Club corner and the QRC roundabout at the top of Maraval Road.

While I admit that the sidewalk is only used by pedestrians heading to and from the roundabout to access Picton Street or Woodford Street, as I had to, it is dangerous. Motorists drive very fast along that stretch and precariously close to the sidewalk that is all of two-three inches high in some places, nothing that would prevent a vehicle from mounting the sidewalk and colliding with a pedestrian or wall.

What prompted me to write this letter is the fact that I was very afraid while walking along there. And I have seen many students using that sidewalk regularly.

My suggestion is to put a safety railing on the sidewalk. It’s only two blocks long and should hardly cost a fortune. I believe it needs looking into.


W DOPSON, Woodbrook


"Dangerous sidewalk"

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